On 4th February 2025, ZERO Institute Director, Prof Paul Shearing, presented to The All Party Parliamentary Engineering Group to promote careers in Engineering for Net Zero. More than 100 Peers, MPs, students, apprentices and school children attended the event at The House of Lords to contribute to wide reaching discussions on the energy transition.
Prof Shearing said “Reaching Net Zero, and revolutionising the energy system is one of the greatest challenges of our time, to achieve this we need to address a significant skills shortage. Engineers will play a critical role in this alongside social and physical scientists, policy makers, economists and many others: the energy transition demands multi-disciplinarity and supporting the next generation of researchers and practitioners to deliver Net Zero is central to our work at The ZERO Institute.”
He added “I was incredibly impressed with the depth and breath of topics covered, and particularly from the contributions of the many students and school children in attendance. Their insight and understanding on far reaching topics, from battery chemistry to planning consent demonstrated their affinity with climate-tech, their understanding of the climate emergency and their motivations to make a difference”.
The ZERO Institute supports research, education and policy making across all aspects of the zero-carbon energy transition, please Engage With Us to discover more.