Energy Superhub Oxford (ESO) will install a very large, hybrid battery energy storage system, enabling more clean electricity, encouraging the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) in Oxford.
The Faraday Institution is the UK’s independent institute for electrochemical energy storage research, skills development, market analysis, and early-stage commercialisation.
Based at the Oxford Martin School, the Future of cooling programme focuses on understanding and shaping sustainable cooling solutions, prioritising passive and less energy-intensive technologies to protect people and prepare countries for extreme heat events.
Project LEO is running trials in Oxfordshire to build a broad range of reliable evidence of the technological, market and social conditions needed for a greener, more flexible, and fair electricity system.
The Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS) is a research centre established in 2018 with a vision to make the UK a leader in understanding the changes in energy demand needed for the transition to a secure and affordable, net-zero society.