MSc in Energy Systems
The MSc in Energy Systems augments world-leading research from the Department of Engineering Science with contributions from the Departments of Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry and the School of Geography and the Environment.
The course is designed to be accessible by those who have a highly numerate first degree (see entry requirements for greater detail) and will be taught using a modular framework to ensure that students are able to progress at their own predetermined speed.
The course structure is comprised of a combination of teaching methods, to provide a stimulating learning environment: taught modules, a small group case study project, a whole cohort exercise, industrial and relevant stakeholder visits and a dissertation.
The taught modules are divided into three core themes: Resources, Systems and Services, exploring the production and supply of energy and the societal and political implications involved. Each module is taught over one or two weeks depending on the subject, from 0900 – 1600, Monday to Friday, and will utilise innovative methods such as project-based and student-led peer-to-peer learning with ample opportunity for discussion. Teaching modules will be closely aligned with current research within the University.
This approach is expected to provide students with an optimal balance of working with sector stakeholders to develop understanding from taught elements while broadening personal horizons.
Find out more about the course on the Oxford University graduate admissions website.
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